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Old 05-03-2009, 01:55   #661
A Place of Light
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Originally Posted by NokkonWud View Post
99% of movies do .
It's funny but I was talking about this with friends tonight. I think I could watch one of the Bourne movies every weekend and still never cease to be entertained by them.
Some people just don't like sequels, but personally I don't care if they make Bourne#20 as long as it's as good as the first one.
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Old 05-03-2009, 10:38   #662
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Have you seen the *original* Bourne identity though? The one with Richard Chamberlain?
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Old 06-03-2009, 17:09   #663
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There Will Be Blood - Great acting by Daniel Day Lewis but one of the most boring films I've seen for quite some time 5/10
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Old 06-03-2009, 22:16   #664
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Piggymon didn't like it either! I saw it just over a week ago and was gripped by it. It was gritty, suspenseful, and DDL was awesome. His character was meant to be generally unlikeable, but I ended up really liking him from the start, but growing to hate him. One of the best last lines in a film ever too - almost Shakespearian. I'd give it 9/10.
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Old 06-03-2009, 22:53   #665
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Originally Posted by Jhadur View Post
There Will Be Blood - Great acting by Daniel Day Lewis but one of the most boring films I've seen for quite some time 5/10
My friend said it was a total snore fest when it came out. I've since heard every single other person who's watched it since say exactly the same.
Barring Belmit now...
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Old 07-03-2009, 00:18   #666
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A lot of the enjoyment for me came from the conflict between the self-proclaimed 'oil man' and the self-sanctifying, self-important preacher played brilliantly by Paul Dano. Maybe I got a lot out of it as it challeneged my own beliefs; I was rooting against who I perceived to be the bad guy but in the end neither was much better than the other (something I maybe should have spotted earlier on had my views not been so biased). I still feel somewhat vindicated in my choice though, despite the outcome.
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Old 07-03-2009, 16:48   #667
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Seen loads of films over the past fortnight so just some quicky reviews:

Bee Movie

Very odd. With the spate of computer-generated animations over the last 10 or so years I thought I knew pretty much what to expect. For the most part I was right, but the plot is just so... weird. A bee living in a natural hive in Central Park leaves to look aorund the outside world. He finds out humans harvest honey for themselves on giant bee farms and decides to sue the humans and put a stop to it.

Well scripted and nice visuals, but I just couldn't get around the fact that the plot is so strange. I'm also not a fan of Jerry Seinfeld as a voice actor. Some funny parts, especially from the husband of the flower shop owner who is voiced by the same guy that does Joe in Family Guy... and uses exactly the same affectations to briliant effect.


A Scanner Darkly

Philip K. Dick short story with live actors but interpolated rotoscoping used to make it animated. Works well, and gives a kind of psychadelic feel to it, which is good considering the plot surrounds an undercover cop setting up a drugs bust. Excellent performances from Woody Harrelson and Robert Downey Jr., and the animation covers up Keanu Reeves usual acting prowess, which helps with the immersion. As you'd expect from a Philip K. Dick adaptation it's quite cerebral and occasionally confusing, but overall very good. The only downside of using a short story is that often it's just building up to a single twist or reveal, giving little payback for an hour and a half's viewing. This film appears to do so, but gives a little extra at the end that makes for a satisfying ending.


Be Kind Rewind

Again, I thought I knew what to expect from a film surrounding Jack Black and Mos Def accidentally wiping all the video tapes in the store and having to remake them themselves. I was happily wrong on this occasion.

Of course there's a little slapstick, but the main thrust of the story is from its heart. If you can forgive some of the oversentimentality put in place mainly by the slightly contrived plotline (the store is due to be demolished and its elderly owner (Danny Glover) is being removed from the neighbourhood he grew up on) then you're in for a treat.

Their attempts to recreate the film are, of course, pathetically hilarious, but people start to love the amateur productions and suddenly they're minor celebrities in their own right.

Some nice little special effects for such a budget movie, and some truly innovative methods used by the characters to create their own special effects within the context of the plot too. I definitely felt a 'Clerks' vibe from it, not least because of the setting, but all the neighbourhood characters felt real as well.

I'm struggling between giving this an 8 or a 9, but either way, it's nice to see there are still some mainstream flms being made with strong storylines and characters that aren't just rehashes of older stories or cash-ins.

Employee of the Month

Slightly formulaic film about slacker employees working at a cash and carry, where the new girl (Jessica Simpson in a surprisngly understated, non-slutty, intelligent role) is believed to only date the employee of the month. I missed the first ten minutes so I never found out how they know this, but it didn't exactly impede my understanding of the film.

It's the same old 'loser picks up his game to win the girl only for her to find out he was only doing it to sleep with her' affair. The guy then makes a lame apology about how through the experience he learned about himself and wins her over. The proper entertainment comes from the bit-part characters and the store's sleazy golden boy who always wins employee of the month and is also looking to get in on the action. It's these perfomances that just about elevate the movie above the average for the genre, but since I'd rate the average for the genre as below average overall, this gets a 5/10.

Blade Runner: Final Cut

Not sure I really need to review this. I've not had a chance to properly compare the various editions but this is the 'final' version with which Ridley Scott had complete creative control. Unlike some of his peers who have tampered with their creations to detrimental effect, it seems he has put right what the studios did wrong when releasing their so-called Director's Cut.

Still as thought-provoking and grimy as when it was released, the visuals and atmosphere are spot on. One of the original Philip K. Dick adaptations and probably the best, despite its meandering from the original story and exclusion of certain premises.

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Old 07-03-2009, 23:57   #668
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Just went to see The Young Victoria. It wasn't my choice but I actually enjoyed it - very interesting powerplay and political elements to it; quite a lot I didn't know previously. The romantic side of things was nicely underplayed. If you don't like historical things generally you won't enjoy it, but if don't get put off thinking it's a costume drama - it's not. Reminded me quite a lot of Amazing Grace for a comparison.
(Oh, and Emily Blunt = mmmm)
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Old 08-03-2009, 18:26   #669
semi-pro waster
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The Third Man

  • Joseph Cotton
  • Alida Valli
  • Orson Welles
  • Trevor Howard
Wartime tale

9/10 It's an amazing study in complex character relationships and betrayal, some of the acting is first class with superbly delivered lines.
"Your friend is the man that knows all about you, and still likes you." - Elbert Hubbard
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Old 08-03-2009, 18:31   #670
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Originally Posted by semi-pro waster View Post
The Third Man

  • Joseph Cotton
  • Alida Valli
  • Orson Welles
  • Trevor Howard
Wartime tale

9/10 It's an amazing study in complex character relationships and betrayal, some of the acting is first class with superbly delivered lines.
Such a brilliant film Must see it again soon.
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