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Old 24-03-2009, 02:15   #201
A Place of Light
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Originally Posted by Fayshun View Post
Means tested life saving?
It must be pretty tough to have to decide what drugs will be available on prescription and which won't, knowing the decision may cost someone their life if they couldn't afford said medication.

Can't say I would handle that job too well.
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Old 24-03-2009, 02:26   #202
Long Island Iced Tea
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I am perplexed by all the talk of "Jade's legacy." Here is a woman who obtained her status through exposing herself as an uneducated ignorant woman, through her notoriety she then went onto launch of all things an autobiography.

Even after she was humiliated on national television she yet again appeared on the very same program only to further expose herself not only as a bully but also a racist. She was then vilified by both the public and the press, the very same people who are now talking about Jade, her legacy and how dignified she has been.
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Old 24-03-2009, 07:21   #203
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Originally Posted by cheets View Post
She was talentless and a racist,
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but also a racist.


She was stupid, but I really don't believe she was racist.
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Old 24-03-2009, 08:09   #204
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Originally Posted by Blighter View Post
I think it's wrong that only 2% of these cases are people under 25. So for the amount of expenditure that will go towards paying for these tests... will it be worth it for such the small % of cases?
Compared with the cost if they werent screened, and then develop cancer, I think the cost of all the treatment for cancer would then far outweigh the cost of a smear test.

Originally Posted by Feek View Post

She was stupid, but I really don't believe she was racist.
Exactly, was sadly a side of her upbringing that meant she wasnt that clever and a little bit ignorant.
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Old 24-03-2009, 08:12   #205
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I do feel somewhat resentful of this whole superficial and garish bandwagon that lets be perfectly honest has been created for the media by the media. Of course she leaves behind a small family but when you cut through the emotion is she any different than any other celebrity with a terminal illness who has left a family behind. It's a shame and a tragedy for those kids.

But lets be fair about this she is a creature whose celebrity status was made by the media in big brother. She gets caught under the covers and gets her self a bit of noteriety. Then she is a bit fo a potty mouth racist in the next big brother. At any opportunity Max Clifford A Publicistis extolling the virtues of 'Poor Jade' to any poor sap who would listen. Im sorry it is a shame about her untimely death but she is a figure made by the media and it's just too superficial for my liking

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Old 24-03-2009, 09:56   #206
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Originally Posted by A Place of Light View Post
.... the ... rules [in England] were changed in 2003.....for reference, [they were] NOT changed due to cost issues.
As a matter of interest, why were the rules changed then?

As I understand it, the best time to give the anti-cervical cancer vaccine is before girls become sexually active which is why it is being given to 13 to 14 year old schoolgirls.

I believe that sexual activity and multiple partners are significant factors in increasing the risk of suffering cervical cancer. As the age at which sexual activity begins gets lower, surely it would make sense to lower the age at which screening is permitted by the NHS. For much the same reason, perhaps more should be made by the media of the significance of multiple sexual partners, although I can understand why these possible factors have not been mentioned in relation to Jade Goody.
In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance.

In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.
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Old 24-03-2009, 11:35   #207
Long Island Iced Tea
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Originally Posted by loki View Post
I do feel somewhat resentful of this whole superficial and garish bandwagon that lets be perfectly honest has been created for the media by the media.
That can be said for many recent events, just look at the way Facebook for example is propagating this culture of mass sympathy and in some cases vengeance.

Look at the difference in publicity for Jade Goody and Jane Tomlinson, both had terminal cancer, both had families, one rode around the world and directly raised £2 million pounds for charity, the other employed Max Clifford to maximise her incoming revenue.

I know where my sympathy lies.
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Old 24-03-2009, 11:52   #208
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Originally Posted by Slinwagh View Post
That can be said for many recent events, just look at the way Facebook for example is propagating this culture of mass sympathy and in some cases vengeance.

Look at the difference in publicity for Jade Goody and Jane Tomlinson, both had terminal cancer, both had families, one rode around the world and directly raised £2 million pounds for charity, the other employed Max Clifford to maximise her incoming revenue.

I know where my sympathy lies.
Possibly a little unfair, Jane Tomlinson was probably brighter and had a much more stable childhood and was certainly more mature than Jade Goody.

I could entirely understand why you might feel more supportive and admiring of Jane Tomlinson. However, I don't think it is reasonable or fair to feel less sympathetic towards Jade Goody for suffering at a relatively unusual age, a terrible fate that was not her fault.

As to the likes of Max Clifford, Davina McCall, Graham Norton, most tabloid newspaper editors and the many others who have profited from Jade Goody - blame them and the society that encourages them, not Jade Goody.
In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance.

In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.
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Old 24-03-2009, 11:57   #209
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The thing about it all, is that it wasn't clever, it wasn't amazing, it was typical Jade Goody. She died exactly how she lived, in the media spotlight, making money for, well, just opening the door and letting the press into her life. She was a sell out, she prostituted every aspect of her life for money and in death that was no different. It was all just one big last PR campaign. The security for her children seemed to revolve around money and just money. Get them millions and they'll be fine. Again, typical Goody attitude that money is priority number one. Even in the face of privacy and dignity, money and the press came first. I feel sorry for the media circus her family has had to deal with, and continue dealing with for the funeral and the aftermath. I don't like being harsh about it, but the sooner she's buried and forgotten the better.
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Old 24-03-2009, 14:50   #210
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Originally Posted by A Place of Light View Post
It must be pretty tough to have to decide what drugs will be available on prescription and which won't, knowing the decision may cost someone their life if they couldn't afford said medication.
The NHS makes money on certain medication as well.

The almost ubiquitous blue inhaler, for relieving asthma, only costs the NHS around a pound yet people have to pay the standard prescription rate for it. There's actually a much more effective reliever but it typically costs the NHS over £20.
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