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Old 25-04-2009, 20:41   #781
A Place of Light
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Originally Posted by Snuggle Ferret View Post
Gran Torino


Clint Eastwood rocks!
As you've used this specific word, I think I can guess your favourite line from the movie.....mainly because I think it's the same as mine

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Old 26-04-2009, 17:36   #782
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Jackie Brown

First time I've ever watched this all the way through as it's pretty long and no-one I know ever really enthused all that much about it. I have to say though, it's heavily underrated. As far as Tarantino films go it's about as conventional as he'll probably ever be. Everyone goes bananas over Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction but the dialogue and acting in this are far more subtle. Standout performances for me were Pam Grier and Robert Forster (the latter inparticular). De Niro didn't really get much of a character to work with and seems to shamble through the film until he finally gets to do some proper acting near the end, but that's a minor issue. Overall a great little movie.



Decent family movie, if a little dark. Lots of people seem to snuff it, a lot of the time through being impaled or stabbed. I guess they tried to go for a kind of Grimm fairytale for the modern age, though it doesn't quite feel like it works on that level.

Good for a 'spot the British character actors' game as there's all kinds of minor celebs from David Walliams to Sarah Alexander. Most of the main actors play their parts well, especially Charlie Cox, Mark Strong, Michelle Pfeiffer and Claire Danes, who is incredibly radiant in this and not just because she's playing a star (hence the name of the film). Robert De Niro gets to have the most fun as the poncey Captain Shakespeare though, in a far deeper role than the one in Jackie Brown!

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Old 26-04-2009, 22:05   #783
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I loved Stardust, I'd give it a 9/10 definitely, possibly even 10. Can't fault it & i felt the darkness worked perfectly alongside the main theme of the movie
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Old 26-04-2009, 23:16   #784
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Originally Posted by Kitten View Post
I loved Stardust, I'd give it a 9/10 definitely, possibly even 10. Can't fault it & i felt the darkness worked perfectly alongside the main theme of the movie
What she said, one of my favourite films of recent years
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Old 27-04-2009, 00:35   #785
Del Lardo
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Originally Posted by Belmit View Post
Jackie Brown

First time I've ever watched this all the way through as it's pretty long and no-one I know ever really enthused all that much about it. I have to say though, it's heavily underrated. As far as Tarantino films go it's about as conventional as he'll probably ever be. Everyone goes bananas over Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction but the dialogue and acting in this are far more subtle. Standout performances for me were Pam Grier and Robert Forster (the latter inparticular). De Niro didn't really get much of a character to work with and seems to shamble through the film until he finally gets to do some proper acting near the end, but that's a minor issue. Overall a great little movie.


It's my favorite of his films. Far more subtle than the Pulp Fiction or Reservoir Dogs and IMO better for it.
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Old 27-04-2009, 00:47   #786
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Tropic Thunder

Awesome cast, awesome soundtrack, awesome storyline, awesome everything.

Summer comedy film perfectional awesomeness

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Old 27-04-2009, 08:14   #787
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Butterfly Effect 3 (revelations)

Having really enjoyied the first one and then thinking the second one was pants I wasn't even entertaining the idea of the 3rd one until I read some good stuff about it.

really enjoyed this, fans of the first should too, the "rules" have been changed a bit but the outcomes and the twist at the end are very entertaining.
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Old 27-04-2009, 09:45   #788
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In the loop
I didn't think I would like it as it's a political comedy. But I have to say it was brilliant. Most of the comedy is built around "creative swearing" and big political events everyone will know. Well worth a watch. Not much point in watching it at the cinema like I did though. There's no awesome sound or action scenes to warrant the cinema effect.

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Old 01-05-2009, 22:54   #789
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  • Mel Gibson
  • Jodie Foster
  • James Garner
  • Graham Greene
Western of sorts

7/10 It's silly and cheesy and great for all that, suspend your disbelief for a couple of hours and just enjoy it.

Old School

  • Luke Wilson
  • Will Ferrell
  • Vince Vaughn
  • Jeremy Piven

7/10 It's actually quite funny and Will Ferrell is in it yet I don't hate it, that's probably as resounding a recommendation for any film where Will Ferrell is in it for more than a few minutes as I'll ever give. Bless 'em, he does try quite hard to ruin this one too but happily it somehow manages to overcome that burden.

The Eiger Sanction

  • Clint Eastwood
  • George Kennedy
  • Vonetta McGee
  • Jack Cassidy

8/10 I'd never heard of it before a mate recommended it to me so I figured I'd buy it and see, it's a pretty good film overall and one of Clint Eastwood's early efforts as a director. It's a little bit dated looking now with a distinct lack of political correctness but provided you can accept that it is thoroughly entertaining.
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Old 01-05-2009, 23:52   #790
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Fast and Furious

After previous two films I wasn't expecting much.

I got more than I expected, but less than I could hope for.

Big positives: Vin Diesel and Paul Walker back in the lead roles. Both play their parts well and add much needed strength back into the series.

Negatives: Well.. it's a Fast and Furious film. The essential purpose is the cars, and finding excuses to show racing and tricked out cars, a nice bit of high-octane action.
Problem is it seems the story writers were trying to push for a story with a bit more depth to it.. and failed.

Take 2 minutes, close your eyes, blank your mind. Think crime on the streets of LA. What is the crime, who are the criminals?

No prizes for guessing: Drugs and Mexicans. Gee whiz, I didn't see that one coming.

Without spoiling anything you don't find out in the first 10 minutes of the film, Dom's GF, Letty is murdered by some lowlife drug running scum. That scum's boss just happens to be the guy FBI agent Brian O'Connor is tracking down.

Both Dom and Brian end up racing cars to get infiltrate the gang for their own purposes.. once. In fact, given it's a fast and furious film I can only remember 4 main car racing sequences in it. The amount of car pr0n is rather small as well. Maybe a dozen fancy cars, but almost no time talking about mods or showing them off in any way.

You end up with this curious kind of film, it's not really a car racing film, but not really a full on action film, or a reluctant buddy film.

The characters all around them are naturally utterly predictable and so 2 dimensional they might as well have used cardboard cut outs and had Vin and Walker do the entire conversations with them in a weird Gollumesque schizo sequence. Would have at least added something to the film that way.

That said, it's not a bad film. Vin Diesel revives an almost Riddick like anti-hero, and Walker builds up the not-quite-a-goody-two-shoes anti-establishment-pro-justice good guy.

Overall... it's a tough one. Far superior to any of the sequels, but not as good as the first.


Originally Posted by Kitten View Post
I loved Stardust, I'd give it a 9/10 definitely, possibly even 10. Can't fault it & i felt the darkness worked perfectly alongside the main theme of the movie
Absolutely. Plus add in the "blue" blood and so on which gives it a strong note of unreality Stardust is up there amongst my favourite ever films.
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