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Old 01-01-2010, 14:14   #1
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Question 365/52/2010 project - what shall we do?

This is something I'm doing on FB/blog this year, and I think it would be a lot of fun if more people joined in - we can take ideas and inspiration from each other.

A few of us successfully (\o/) did 365s and 52s last year - so I was thinking that this year I was going to choose a weekly theme and then upload a photo or a series of photos on that theme. Could be to do with style, theme, technical quality, anything - not really decided on those yet - just something different each week. I was thinking of posting some little 'how to's' on stuff that I've done and possible some 'new to me' techniques if I'm pleased with them, and hopefully if others do that too, we can share what we've learned. We're all at different levels, so that would really help us improve too.

So, this thread was really to ask people a) who would be interested and b) of those who are - how should we do it?

My thought was that when we know who wants to take part, we rotate, and each week someone becomes group 'leader' so to speak & chooses a new theme, and everyone else will work on the same theme (unless there's a reason they can't - which is why we'll need to make sure that the weekly themes are open to everyone).

So please reply here if you want to join in and also let me know if you have any ideas on a good way to do it - I don't have any hard & fast ideas on how it should be done, just that if it does take off here, I'll be using the weekly theme here as my overall weekly project theme too.
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Old 01-01-2010, 14:27   #2
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Yeah sounds good to me. I was planning on doing a 52 of 2010 to try again this year and could do with a little direction. Count me in

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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Old 01-01-2010, 14:31   #3
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well I'm very happy to do prodding (who'd have thunk ) so I guess we'll see who else wants to join in and we can get loads of theme suggestions. How about having a discussion thread (this one) and a photo only thread to keep it clean and tidy?
"You only get one life. There's no God, no rules, except for those you accept or create for yourself. Then once it's over... it's over. Dreamless sleep for ever and ever. So why not be happy while you're here?" Nate Fisher
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Old 01-01-2010, 14:34   #4
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Sounds ideal to me Prod away. I need bullying sometimes

In terms of themes, do you reckon a subject or a certain technique (or mix of both?). There are pros and cons for both I think.

One aim I have with this is to be able to get to the end of the year and have enough photos to order a photo calendar for next year containing all the pics I've taken, so I'd like at least one shot per month to be in a seasonal theme if you know what I mean?

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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Old 01-01-2010, 14:36   #5
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Count me in. I need a little push to get me taking more photo's but 365 was abit too much for me . A 52 of 2010 would probably be better for me

Great idea Kitten.
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Old 01-01-2010, 14:54   #6
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Originally Posted by lostkat View Post
Sounds ideal to me Prod away. I need bullying sometimes

In terms of themes, do you reckon a subject or a certain technique (or mix of both?). There are pros and cons for both I think.

One aim I have with this is to be able to get to the end of the year and have enough photos to order a photo calendar for next year containing all the pics I've taken, so I'd like at least one shot per month to be in a seasonal theme if you know what I mean?
I was hoping both. Yep. Sounds fab. I think we'll have easy weeks and more difficult weeks. I mean it might just be animals or cars, or Easter. I fancy a tiltshift week If we know we've got busy times coming up we could have a free week every month too for anything you like - and we can decide when to have it at the start of the month. I think ideally, we have at least a 2 week lead on what we're going to be doing or I think we'll start to slip getting everyone together at the same time every week. For me, the main thing is it's achievable, and it's interesting. Plus I'd like to learn something new - I'm hoping that by doing a pic a week rather than one a day, I'll have time to take 'THE' shot rather than 'A' shot.

In terms of posting how about we upload the weeks pics during Friday evening/Monday morning if possible? We can always put a placeholder in if we know we're not going to be there?
"You only get one life. There's no God, no rules, except for those you accept or create for yourself. Then once it's over... it's over. Dreamless sleep for ever and ever. So why not be happy while you're here?" Nate Fisher

Last edited by Kitten; 01-01-2010 at 14:57.
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Old 01-01-2010, 14:56   #7
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Count me in as well for the 52 as well I might try a 365 for personal motivation alongside the main 52.
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Old 01-01-2010, 15:03   #8
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365 was way too much for me last year. I think I managed the first six weeks, but never even got round to posting most of them!

52 is the way to go for me, if you'll have me.
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Old 01-01-2010, 15:57   #9
Penelope Pitstop
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Sounds good to me, I'm definitely not up for a 365 again but so want to keep up with the regular taking of photos. I'm liking the theme, and also one theme a month where it is free choice.

We could do:

Week 1 - theme chosen by participant
Week 2 - seasonal theme chosen by group (this could go on for a number of weeks)
Week 3 - technique chosen by participant
Week 4 - Free theme.
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Old 01-01-2010, 16:06   #10
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Thats no hamster, its a space station!
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