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Old 11-03-2010, 11:57   #1
Admiral Huddy
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Default Dig at the police - Sorry

I've always admired and backed the police 100% but I'm starting to loose my confidence in them tbh (Sorry Von, Pebs and co.)

About 12 years ago, I was leaving the railway station and was racing for a cab, when this bloke pushed me and I fell down a flight of stairs hitting my head at the bottom. As I got up I did hit him, and he then pinned me down on the floor blood gashing out of my head.. Just as he pinned me down, a shoved two fingers very hard up his nostrils breaking his nose in the process... he then pulled out his badge and i was arrested for Assault and Affray. Not something I'm very proud of. I was later released on bail without charge to receive 6 stitches above my eye.

6 weeks later, all charges were dropped due to no witnesses and the PC having a reputation for this in the past. I got an apology from the Essex Police. After seeking legal advice, i was told just to let it go because of insufficient evidence.

A few years after that, an ex-friend of mine joined the police for a power buzz and actually goes out in town looking for trouble for a similar opportunity.

Anyway, the other night I was on the way home on my new bike, turning right at a mini-round-bout. I stopped behind the white lane giving way to traffic to my right, when a bloke pulled up beside my and started hurling *s and *s, saying i was a **** for blocking his view. As far a I knew, I wasn't in the wrong. I ignored him but the abuse just carried on. Just as i was about to pull-away, he attempted to get out of his car. I said, "If you really have a problem then don't let me stop you". On when the abuse .. then he got back in the car after a brief exchange of words.. Obviously his plan wasn't working.. so he then pulled out a police badge. I said, " put it away there's a good chap, because you look really ugly in that picture". He then drove off. I guess he expected me to throw a punch at some point which never came and he knew he couldn't either.

I know there some of you who are members of the police and you are not all the same but at 42 I could really do without all this grief. I've never stepped outside of the law and don't appreciate police bullys who are obviously abusing their power when off duty.

I just got lost in thought.. It was very unfamiliar territory.
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Old 11-03-2010, 12:09   #2
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There are good eggs and bad eggs in all bunches of people, as with anything, the negatives always have more of an impact.

In both those cases you mentioned it's quite incredible that those are police officers doing it, those are clearly quite extreme cases and they should be truly ashamed of themselves (although I'm sure they're probably not.)
I've seen a few police officers acting the big I am for no real reason on nights out, thankfully I've never had to deal with those issues personally.
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Old 11-03-2010, 12:22   #3
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Unfortunately there good and bad eggs in any organisation and my experience in the last two years seems to have been with the bad eggs. Still as an organisation I still have faith in them as I know there are a lot of good officers as shown but the BDPD.
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Old 11-03-2010, 12:36   #4
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I have a lot of respect for the police as they do a job I certainly couldn't manage

However, as said, the bad eggs do indeed leave a horrific scar on the face of the force as an entirety despite them almost certainly being a minority.

After ending a relationship, my brother suffered a brutal beating from two officers who came to arrest him upon suspicion of "abusing his ex-girlfriend", only for the girl to admit that she made the whole thing up and he never raised his voice, let alone a finger to her some 24 hours later: he suffered severe brusing up his ribs and back and was generally treated like scum by these two morons yet is a really gentle and completely innocent individual

You can have 500 brilliant officers who really excel and go beyond their duty etc, yet they will pass by unnoticed by the masses, only for 1 idiot to ruin reputation of many through their actions.
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Old 11-03-2010, 14:12   #5
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What a t*at! Unfortunately there are those that put on the uniform for the power trip rather than to do the job. They're an absolute liability to work with (I have one on my shift) and cause as many problems as they fix. Should have taken down his number and got him stuck on

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Old 11-03-2010, 18:37   #6
Dirteh Kitteh
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Originally Posted by Admiral Huddy View Post
so he then pulled out a police badge. I said, " put it away there's a good chap, because you look really ugly in that picture".


A bullet may have your name on it, but shrapnel is addressed "to whom it may concern".
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Old 11-03-2010, 20:37   #7
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I'd have jotted his number down and called the local station.
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Old 11-03-2010, 21:39   #8
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I used to have a massive amount of respect for them until they let Pebs in.
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Old 12-03-2010, 11:16   #9
Von Smallhausen
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Shouted abuse then pulled his badge out.

Grade A nob.

I have used my warrant card off duty twice in ten years service. One was when a couple of tracksuited youths decided to make off in a row boat that didn't belong to them at a marina where I was walking the dog.

Second was when I was driving to work and was cut up by another car who then to decided to honk, beep and shout obscenities for a few miles. I stopped at a junction and he pulled up alongside giving the evil eye with his ladyfriend joining in. I then pulled out my warrant card and told him to wind his neck in. He drove away.

Pebs sums it up though Huddy in that there will always be those who get in and get an immediate power trip and it really sets the whole service back years in the eyes of some people who are treated like ****e by those who should not be in the force in the first place.

Although I have been HQ based for the last year, I was always courteous to people and stepped it up only when I had to.

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Old 12-03-2010, 11:50   #10
Joe 90
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Haha it's good to hear such stories from a decent police officer.

Our football coach is an Inspector around these parts (rumoured to have picked up an award for bravery in the past) but he doesn't talk about his job
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