19-07-2010, 13:15 | #1 |
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Socialist Republik of Kent
Posts: 5,032
Injured wrist thanks to supermarket
Yesterday I managed to survive a whole day cycling on the treacherous roads of SE London incident free. Then I decided to pull into Waitrose for some supplies for Sunday dinner and it all went wrong. There's a traffic calming measure on the way into the car park, like a diamond pattern brick cattle grid if you like, well my bike tangled up the front wheel in it and threw me off.
So today I'm sporting two mashed palms, injured wrist, grazes up my right arm and a big lump on my leg. Spent two hours in the hospital getting my wrist seen to because it's very painful. Not broken but the joint is bruised. I now have a splint which hopefully might be useful for my ride home, which was agony this morning. And to cap it all off they were closed Anyway, they'll be hearing from me. Not looking for compensation but I'm mighty ****** off and now can't use the gym either. They need to know about that.
19-07-2010, 13:36 | #2 |
Vodka Martini
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 786
Had an accident and it wasn't your fault?
19-07-2010, 15:48 | #3 |
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Liverpool/Edinburgh
Posts: 4,817
Buuuuuuums jonny, unlucky, i had a very similar close shave yesterday accidentally getting stuck in tram lines on my racer, i managed to jump out though, but in busy traffic and buses is was ****ing scary. God help me if i had actually came off. I'm much much more wary of the death tram lines now!...
19-07-2010, 17:40 | #4 |
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Socialist Republik of Kent
Posts: 5,032
It's why I could never ride with my feet clipped in. There are just too many hazards on my daily journey (including tramlines).
19-07-2010, 18:20 | #5 |
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Liverpool/Edinburgh
Posts: 4,817
Funny you should say that, i'm TOO used to being clipped in and keep jumping off the pedals (bad habbit) expecting the bike to follow me, it's becoming a problem since i bought my recent racer! I'm teaching myself to lift the bike properly again after a too many years! Now i know the next time i go mountain biking i'll be falling off left right and centre because i've forgotten i'm clipped in
19-07-2010, 19:39 | #6 |
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Socialist Republik of Kent
Posts: 5,032
Luckily managed to borrow some allen keys from work. I repositioned the handlebars so I can get hold of the sides of the drop bars instead of the top bar. Much more comfortable than this morning's ride