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View Poll Results: Girl or Boy?
Bouncing Baby Boy 16 61.54%
Beautiful Baby Girl 10 38.46%
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Old 19-07-2010, 20:11   #361
semi-pro waster
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Congratulations, that's excellent news.
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Old 19-07-2010, 20:54   #362
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Congrats congrats congrats
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Old 19-07-2010, 23:14   #363
Baby Bore
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I am very very tired and Aitch is pretty much pooped

We went in to hospital on Sunday for routine testing for Aitch's blood pressure, we were both hoping that if her levels were in any way out they would induce and that is exactly what happened. At approximately 8.30 they administered a gel that is designed to make the cervix ready for delivery, after going to get stuff for Aitch I was told to go home and get some sleep (retrospectively I'm glad but at the time I was a bit peev'ed).

I went to bad at approx 12 with a glass of wine and fell asleep pretty quickly thinking I would go in at 9 and they would administer a second gel. 4am the phone rings and I was asked to make my way to the hospital Aitch had been moved to delivery. I dived in the shower as it is suggested that both parents refrain for wearing deodorant and perfume so baby can start to recognise us by smell.

I was at the hospital at 4.20 and walked in to a room closely followed by the anesthetist. Originally the plan was not to have an epidural but on speaking to the midwife Aitch's blood pressure had skyrocketed and an epidural will often bring BP down so it was more for that than pain relief. Retrospectively I remember being told that her BP was so high they were worried she would start fitting, I left it to the battalion of doctors and consultants and within a couple of hours she was stable and BP was normal and the doctors dispersed leaving us was a midwife and student midwife who were great.

Serious labor was long at 2.5 hours of pushing but I honestly can't remember how long it was I just remember the feeling of coaxing Aitch on as much as I could and trying to make her comfortable. Pretty much at the point where a consultant would have come in with a ventouse or calipers and with Aitch running on empty we had one last try and I have no idea how but she pushed Amelie out, she was born in one push, shoulders followed her head rather than having to wait for the next contraction, she just popped through although I was locked in eye contact with Aitch and only knew when Amelie was put on her chest in a towel looking like a shaved spider monkey covered in fish glue.

I cut the cord, I didn't think I would but it's not a chance you get many times.

The time between 4 and 11.34 this morning was on the longest and shortest in my life, I honestly can't remember how many pushes there were but it doesn't really matter, it was a lot but it worked and she's here.

She is quite literally perfect.

She has the longest fingers of any baby I have ever seem, not fat, perfectly proportioned and just like her mums

She also has Aitch's long legs

I was kicked off the ward at 10.00 but will be back at 8.30 tomorrow and I hope we'll be able to bring her home everything is ready here. She seemed a bit slow to work out that Aitch's boobs aren't just pillows and she can get food from them but towards the end of the day she seemed to get the message although there is still work to do. As much as I want them home I don't want Aitch being stressed about feeding so it's best she stays in as long as needed.

I'm sure you'll be throughly bored with pics after a few weeks but I'm afraid you'll have to indulge me


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 20-07-2010, 00:22   #364
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Fantastic buddy. Congrats

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Old 20-07-2010, 02:06   #365
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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Fabulously good news. Glad to hear it all went relatively well.

My brother, Kelly and I were out for a meal tonight and raised a glass to young miss Bannister.
I look forward to meeting the young lady who couldn't wait another day to share her birthday with me sometime soon

Just because I have a short attention span doesn't mean I...
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Old 20-07-2010, 06:03   #366
Good Cat
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She is absolutely beautiful. I sat in the car looking at that first pic before I drove home yesterday and got a bit teary. You've waited so long for her and now here she is. It must have been pretty a pretty stressful time for you both with Aitch's BP, but I'm glad it all went well and you finally have your little daughter. Here's hoping she behaves herself so you can bring your new family home with you today.

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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Old 20-07-2010, 06:08   #367
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Awww fantastic news! So pleased everything went well in the end! She is so beautiful! She does look very long but slim I have been so excited and overjoyed for you today and yesterday, reading that has shed a tear. It couldn't have happened to a nicer couple
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Old 20-07-2010, 07:21   #368
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Originally Posted by Matblack View Post
She also has Aitch's long legs

And her dad's grumpy bear face

So utterly utterly chuffed for you guys
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Old 20-07-2010, 07:31   #369
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those are some long legs & fingers! Happy to indulge as many pictures as you want to show us. I got a text from Sam saying Roo had been born and I went off to a quiet place for a nosey and shed a little tear myself! Congratulations (Had to laugh about MY baby name (great minds huh? , but she's so beautiful I've gotten over it pretty quick )
"You only get one life. There's no God, no rules, except for those you accept or create for yourself. Then once it's over... it's over. Dreamless sleep for ever and ever. So why not be happy while you're here?" Nate Fisher
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Old 20-07-2010, 07:56   #370
nipples lol (o)(o)
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Another girl here crying reading the birth story too. Those fingers are the longest i've seen as well.
Give Mummy Aitch a gentle hug from me, and well done Daddy. You're doing the right thing wanting her to stay until she feels more confident with feeding her.
Lots of love again, and post as many pics as you like. x x
Originally Posted by Kitten View Post

I'm still madly in love with my Dolly
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