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Old 20-04-2012, 11:02   #291
BBx woz 'ere :P
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The sooner we get rid of that BT line from the flat the better IMO!
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Old 20-04-2012, 11:11   #292
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You can pay for the new one then!


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Old 20-04-2012, 12:04   #293
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Unfortunately, they need the number of the phonebox so they can get it checked out so that it's not swallowing the money of everyone who uses it.

Having worked at BT's 151 fault department, the only way I know of them being able to possibly connect you free of charge would be through the test system, and that would be a big no-no.

Just like if you were having problems getting through to a chargeable BT support service, a BT member of staff wouldn't be able to transfer you free of charge. The amount of times I had to explain the situation to people when I worked there was a nightmare!
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Old 20-04-2012, 13:22   #294
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Thing is they know which phone it is because I called 100 to report the fault :/

They are just checking my statements line up

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Old 20-04-2012, 13:30   #295
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No they don't! Just because you called from it doesn't mean anything. They won't get the number from that call. They will just get multiple calls without any details from where it is from. The whole reason they asked for that information is to be able to get the phone box fixed quickly, as the more information given will help the technician who will fix it. It probably won't take the money like it did with you all the time, so any error messages or specific phone calls may hint at the problem.
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Old 20-04-2012, 13:52   #296
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In an ideal world it would be beneficial for something like that to work I should think -it would make it easier for 999 calls from payphones to be trackable...not that people really use payphones these days anyway.

When I called 100 I told them exactly where I was. There is only one BT payphone in Island Gardens, London.

My comment still stands though on them checking my story lines up.

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Old 20-04-2012, 13:57   #297
BBx woz 'ere :P
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Seems way OTT for the sake of £1.50 - they should have a record of it all anyway if they don't all have a finger up their arse... but it IS BT we're talking about...
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Old 20-04-2012, 14:00   #298
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True it would be beneficial but as it stands it isn't in place, and money won't be spent on phonebox's for things like that when they are in decline and being removed from use.

My point still stands about the technician needing answers to those points before it can be fixed. IF it is the only one in that area then fair enough but did you just tell them Island Gardens or actual Road name of where the phonebox was?

I don't see why they would go to the effort to just see if your story matches, why does that matter? They want details to fix the line which can't have been given in enough detail when you called.
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Old 20-04-2012, 14:02   #299
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Originally Posted by Will View Post
Seems way OTT for the sake of £1.50 - they should have a record of it all anyway if they don't all have a finger up their arse... but it IS BT we're talking about...
Surely this is with regards to the fixing of the phone box, not the £1.50. You could also say you are being OTT about chasing £1.50 when it isn't alot of money.
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Old 20-04-2012, 14:05   #300
BBx woz 'ere :P
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Surely you'd have sensible logging and fault IDs for an operation on this scale? The customer doesn't give a hoot about BT's issues with their phones, the customer wants the money back that BT's faulty phone has taken. That should be the priority, it's not up to the customer to facilitate a problem solving / fault finding service. The amount of time and money wasted by BT to go through this ridiculous process is costing them a lot more than £1.50.

Also, £1.50 may not be a lot, but it's the principle, and the fact that if everyone didn't bother claiming what is rightfully theirs, people would get walked all over and companies like BT end up making money hand over fist for offering a shoddy service.

Some of the processes and systems sound like they need some efficiency reviews and improvements.
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