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Old 26-10-2006, 15:06   #1
Deep Throat
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Default Reminsce music

Pretty much on a similar line as the most beautiful song thread... but a slight difference in my mind.

Basically, I have a number of songs I can listen to which relates to things that have happened in my life and will mean so much to me that I often find myself stopping midway through what I am doing and reminiscing... sometimes even flashbacking. Some of the songs bring back happy memories, others quite nasty and upsetting ones... yet I will never not fully hear it out.


Goo Goo Dolls - Black Balloon: Reminds me of a time yeeears ago when Pickers and I broke up and I was having a really rough time in my life and ended up running away and sitting on a beach, balling my eyes out under the stars not having a clue what to do with myself. I love the song though!! I think it's fab, but everytime I hear it, my heart kinda does a twingey thing!

Cornershop - Brimful of Asha: Reminds me of the times I used to get together with my friends and we'd dance and sing our hearts out on the beach without a care in the world!

I'm presuming everyone has songs like these no?! I love hearing peoples stories on radio 1 their songs they relate them to!
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Old 26-10-2006, 15:11   #2
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About 90% of the songs I have on my PC remind me of various things.
Ranging from Song 2 - Blur reminding me of when I was younger and me and a group of friends decided to randomly start singing it in the middle of the cul de sac we used to be in all the time. Even used a wall as drums
And songs that remind me of exes, both good and bad times
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Old 26-10-2006, 15:13   #3
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Roll with it - Oasis - when i was 16, in a field after GCSE drinking cider.
wonderwall - College math lesson
The Drugs don't work - uni first year
Ally McBeal Soundtrack - 3rd year in uni

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Old 26-10-2006, 16:50   #4
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Originally Posted by Pheebs View Post
Basically, I have a number of songs I can listen to which relates to things that have happened in my life and will mean so much to me that I often find myself stopping midway through what I am doing and reminiscing... sometimes even flashbacking.
Hehe, 'flashbacking'.

I'm just reading Peter Kay's autobiography and he has a whole section on this - I'm amazed at how much detail he can go into though, he really has a deep connection with music.

For me I'd have to say -

Fun Lovin' Criminals - Fun Lovin' Criminal - Reminds me of my first festival, V98, and stomping around with my mates changing the words so they were extremely rude. Ironically, and stupidly, I missed seeing them to go and watch All Saints in the dance tent.

Bon Jovi - Always - This was released around the same time as my hamster died. Naturally, I don't like it very much.

ATB - 9pm (Till I Come) - Do do do-do doooo! First year of uni. In fact, I made a compilation of tunes at the end of the year to give to everyone on my corridor. I found it the other day and there are some absolute classics on it. All of them remind me of the first year of university.

Sure I'll think of loads more.
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Old 26-10-2006, 16:59   #5
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Originally Posted by Haly View Post
About 90% of the songs I have on my PC remind me of various things.
Same here.

From Gangsters Paradise by Coolio, which was played at my mates funeral when I was 15 yrs old (still makes me choke up and it was 10 years ago now) to Nothing Else Matters by Metallica when I went to see them with my ex (makes me feel all warm and fizzy inside, remembering how special I had felt).

Or even some really cheesy pop songs which remind me of my best mate that I left behind down south when we'd listen to and sing along to anything that was upbeat
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Old 26-10-2006, 17:27   #6
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mine are more songs that i seem to associate with. i cant think of a particular reason for it, but they just make me stop what i'm doing and go all pensive and whatnot.

A Perfect Circle - Orestes - i was lucky enough to see them on the Thirteenth Step tour, and they played this. i must have quite a connection with it, because i inexplicably started crying right in front of everyone. random!

Nine Inch Nails - La Mer/The Great Below - these are just 2 songs that i can always come back to, and they make me think about my mid-teens and remind me of what it was like to not have a job, and need money and whatnot.

The Ataris - I.O.U One Galaxy - just a great song...i love the amount of raw emotion in such a short song. it's off an album i always used to get caned and listen to with mates. quite a random one to listen to with your friends though!
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Old 26-10-2006, 17:54   #7
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Originally Posted by Sic View Post
A Perfect Circle - Orestes - i was lucky enough to see them on the Thirteenth Step tour, and they played this. i must have quite a connection with it, because i inexplicably started crying right in front of everyone. random!
The mood was ruined a bit for me by people moshing to it. I can understand doing it to Judith, but Orestes?!
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Old 26-10-2006, 21:44   #8
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not a soul was moving when i saw them. it was eerie. everyone just stood still and observed. it was probably the most magnificent musical moment of my life
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Old 27-10-2006, 00:38   #9
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Most of the time I listen to music when on the move and as such, considering my music tastes haven't changed much for a long time, most of what I listen to reminds me of something.

Unfortunately these are usually times when I have been happy and being reminded of them upsets me, but I'm getting better. I actually hate how powerful music can have such an affect on me and find it worrying that even the most obscure of tracks can bring me to tears, this is why when I'm in a bad mood I have to be careful what I listen to.

Khef, Ka and Ka-Tet....
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Old 27-10-2006, 03:06   #10
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The Clash - Stay Free reminds me of the superb times I had with my best mate at that time and all the fun we had. It was our song

The Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams reminds me of rattling around Manifold and Dovedale in the summer of '85 in my mate's old grey van, windows down and singing this at full volume. The fact that neither of us could carry a tune in a bucket was a bonus!

The Dambusters Theme because it's what Stiff little Fingers come on stage to, and every gig of theirs I've been to has been intense.

Commit random kindness and senseless acts of beauty
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