07-03-2010, 16:36 | #1 |
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Liverpool/Edinburgh
Posts: 4,817
Any Blackberry addicts in here? (8820)
Whats the deal with this, is it any good?
Debs has broken another phone and now is using an old school of mine and desperately looking to buy a new phone quickly, but she's locked in her contract. Before she buys this which i'm fairly certain will be a plasticly pile of **** with a horrid OS etc... And then she'll moan its slow etc.. etc... i'm trying to sway here second hand on ebay is a good idea. For around the price of that new i've seen the 8820. Seems to tick all the boxes and has GPS and Wifi? No 3g but no great loss really... So what am i missing, can this be upgraded to the new BBOS, what happens with BBOS'? How are the apps on them? keyboards are superb i assume? Whats the deal with BIS, she's on orange right now and i know it won't be exactly as straightforward as my e-series when it comes to internet and email. BB's are something i've never properly looked at and not sure exactly how they work although i know some people swear by them |