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Old 28-12-2006, 18:24   #1
Baby Bore
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Default Unleashed

This has been sitting on my hard drive for quite a while and I only just got around to watching it.

I can honestly say this is a thinking persons martial arts movie, its got a great cast and a dark edge but also some really cool fight scenes although no too many and just the right amount of action. The score is also cracking being entirely scored by Massive Attack.

Well worth a watch and is probably pretty cheep in Blockbuster now


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Old 28-12-2006, 18:52   #2
semi-pro waster
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Indeed, a very good film, Jet Li has apparantly finished acting in films now so this is one of the last ones he has done (Fearless is the last) so this is a good one to watch. Bob Hoskins is a villain in this one which is pretty cool and the fight scenes are indeed well thought out and performed as you'd expect.

If anyone is making a night of it then I'd also highly recommend Fearless, it is surprisingly moving for a martial arts film.
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Old 28-12-2006, 18:57   #3
Baby Bore
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Thanks, I'm 'acquiring' Fearless right now


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Old 28-12-2006, 20:43   #4
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I liked this a lot when I saw it a few weeks back. Morgan Freeman is what made me watch it, he adds credibility to a film genre I would not normally look at.

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Old 28-12-2006, 20:54   #5
semi-pro waster
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Originally Posted by Miss Vaseline View Post
Morgan Freeman is what made me watch it, he adds credibility to a film genre I would not normally look at.
He is good in Unleashed/Danny The Dog but then he is good in every film I've ever seen him in, I think of him almost as a guarantee of quality, along with a few other actors I don't think he has ever done anything that hasn't added to a film in some way. Off the top of my head the other actors I'd pick would be Samuel L. Jackson, Denzil Washington and Christopher Walken although there may be a couple more.
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Old 28-12-2006, 22:35   #6
The Stig
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I'd put forward Kevin Spacey and Steve Buscemi into that list

Thanks for the recommendation MB, I kinda wrote this off from the trailer and never thought about it again. I'll make the effort and have a butchers
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Old 28-12-2006, 22:36   #7
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Originally Posted by Daz View Post
I'd put forward Kevin Spacey and Steve Buscemi into that list
Oh definitely, don't think I've seen either of them in a crap film.

I've not heard of Unleashed before but I may acquire a copy while I've got the time to watch a few films.
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Old 28-12-2006, 22:58   #8
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I'm a big fan of the film, I saw it not long after it came out as I'm a martial arts and Jet Li fan, and thought some of the fights, especially in the bathroom stall in the end were fantastic. Good acting from all concerned as well, Jet Li included.

If you're into martial arts films and don't mind subtitles, I highly highly recommend Ong Bak starring Tony Ja. Incredible fight scenes where they actually do strike each other, which makes some of the fights look brutal. Top film.

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Old 28-12-2006, 23:01   #9
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I managed to acquire the wrong film, ie: the one I'd already seen but am looking forward to seeing Unleashed

Ong Bak is incredibly awesome and I loved it

However, for an Asian film which isn't just full of martial arts, and rates as one of the best films I've ever seen.... Tea Guk Gi, or The Brotherhood of War. Korean film about the War back in the fifties and it is absolutely amazing! About 2.5hrs long, with subtitles and I was gripped all the way through.

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Old 28-12-2006, 23:52   #10
semi-pro waster
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Originally Posted by Daz View Post
I'd put forward Kevin Spacey and Steve Buscemi into that list
Good choices although having watched K-Pax I'd say that was pretty dodgy, one bad film out of all the rest isn't bad odds though I suppose.

I don't think it is quite worth creating a new thread for it but if you get the chance I'd highly recommend District/Banlieue 13, a French film which involves a whole lot of parkour and maybe a couple of recognisable actors but it comes across as way more than the sum of its parts. Great action, little to no wire-work, a decent-ish plot and quite a short running time at ~80 minutes.

//edit since I forgot to put in before the other reason I'm suggesting the film here is because one of the main characters also appeared in Kiss Of The Dragon with Jet Li. Oh and the downside is that the other main character spends most of the film with his shirt off so for anyone who likes ripped guys with tattoos then you are in luck, on the upside the 'sister' is smoking hot when she doesn't look like a junkie.
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Last edited by semi-pro waster; 29-12-2006 at 11:37.
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