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View Poll Results: Is is?
Yes, leave them alone and try not to be so serious 12 52.17%
No, if you can change one persons mind with 1,000 posts its worth trying 11 47.83%
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Old 27-01-2008, 19:52   #1
Baby Bore
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Default Is it stupid to think.............

.... you could change someones deep seated opinions and prejudices through rational argument on the internet?


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Old 27-01-2008, 19:55   #2
Von Smallhausen
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Originally Posted by Matblack View Post
.... you could change someones deep seated opinions and prejudices through rational argument on the internet?

That would depend on the forum as well as the person Mat and certain people I have come across on the web are so ingrained through arrogance and lack of life experience that they are beyond rational argument.

I think I know where you are coming from.

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Old 27-01-2008, 19:56   #3
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Optimistic, yes... Stupid, no...

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Old 27-01-2008, 19:57   #4
Penelope Pitstop
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Yeah I'd say it would depend on the person and how much they believed in their own prejudices.

I was trying to think of the prejudices I have and whether I would change them if someone gave me a rational arguement, but I don't think I would.

I'd also not bother trying to change peoples opinions either. Even if it's hurtful to me, I tend to let them have their own opinions and just get on with things. Don't get too worked up about stuff.
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Old 27-01-2008, 20:02   #5
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Originally Posted by vix View Post
Yeah I'd say it would depend on the person and how much they believed in their own prejudices.

I was trying to think of the prejudices I have and whether I would change them if someone gave me a rational arguement, but I don't think I would.

I'd also not bother trying to change peoples opinions either. Even if it's hurtful to me, I tend to let them have their own opinions and just get on with things. Don't get too worked up about stuff.
Thats good advice, I think I'll print one of these out and have a glass of wine


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 27-01-2008, 20:05   #6
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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Opinions, I think, can be changed but prejudices are much more deeply ingrained.

I have a certain prejudice and as much as I know it is wrong to think that way and as much evidence as I see to contradict that prejudice, it's still there. It's so much a part of me that as much as I deny it and supress it, it's still there. There's absolutely nothing rational about it and that's the reason it's so difficult to alter someone's prejudices. It's almost impossible to argue rationally against something as irrational as deap-seated prejudice.

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Old 27-01-2008, 20:33   #7
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I think you'd be on a hiding to nothing. People have to be open to having their beliefs challenged to the extent where they will question them. Unlikely to happen via a screen I wouldnt have thought.

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Old 27-01-2008, 20:35   #8
Screaming Orgasm
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To expand Dym's post...

Optimistic? Yes. Stupid? No. Worth a try? Probably.

The only way you can really find out how ingrained someone's beliefs are is to challenge them. On receipt of such a challenge, people are likely to:
  1. Tell you you're dumb and to go away. Whether or not you think you're right, probably time to give up.
  2. Accept your view. Well done.
  3. Provide a counter-argument. Prepare for a debate but don't get upset if they never agree with you. Some you win, some you lose. See also (4).
  4. Bury their head in a bucket of sand and ignore your valid, reasoned argument. Most likely to respond as (1) above, but may engage in debate to try and ensnare or confuse you.

It's the last lot that are the problem cases. I can name a few individuals from other fora to which members here have access (and that's not just the obvious one). I don't know whether they do it for kicks or to be annoying, but they seem to want to pick holes in everything you say, no matter how minor and unimportant those things are. I, too, have got annoyed with these people, but in the end decided to ignore them and move on.

As for the poll, neither option really applies as far as my own views go.

Good luck.

Last edited by Mark; 27-01-2008 at 20:39.
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Old 27-01-2008, 20:43   #9
Baby Bore
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I think number 4 is whats going on here

People involved think they are cleverer than you and will try to use big words and twist things until you just give up.

(I think I shall dub this CleanBlueSky thinking.)

It might help people to form an opinion more if I tell you the people involved are CBS, Dirtydog and another muppet who doesn't seem to be able to think past the end of this boover boot :/

I've decided to give up, I've made my point, defended stereotypes which have been imposed on me and I'm just getting bored now


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 27-01-2008, 20:46   #10
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Then it is not a debate at all, it's a point scoring exercise and you are flogging a very very dead horse. Back away from the thread!

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