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Old 11-03-2008, 16:56   #1
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Default Would you eat heart?

It fascinates me what people will and won't eat. I watched a programme on C5 last night about new product launches in Tesco and they had some contestants go out with their own product and try it out on the public to see if they like it.

One was a meatball in gravy dish to go in the ready-meal section only it was a faggot rather than a meatball so made with liver and heart. It was interesting because the public were really enjoying the samples and using words like delicious, really tasty, fantastic etc but when the ingredients were revealed they said they would definitely not buy the product with heart in it and many looked very pale and queasy. It wasn't just the girls, in fact the men went greener and there wasn't one brave 'I'll eat anything' warrior. This was pure product as well, not abattoir scrapings like lips and eyeballs and ground up knuckle like you get in sausages.

This is the interesting bit. In my opinion liver and kidney are funny tasting parts of the animal and the texture is a bit odd, but heart is just another tasty bit of meat. A little tough if not cooked properly but it's hardly something to be sqeamish about since it's just a muscle. Why was it fine for there to be liver in there but not heart?

I have to admit I don't eat tripe, brain or testicles regularly but on the other hand I haven't had either before - they just don't appeal. I'm sure they are very tasty if prepared properly and I'm open to try them just in case.

What parts of the animal won't you eat and why?
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Old 11-03-2008, 17:15   #2
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I think it's engrained into us that the heart is *the* most important and significant organ in our bodies, and the core of our being, hence its name. We used to believe our emotions and soul came from our heart, which is obviously still around today. "I love you with all my heart" "He broke my heart" etc. So yeah, I suppose some people feel uncomfortable biting into it. Being a logical person, I wouldn't have a problem with eating a heart. I've eaten brain, liver, kidneys and if a heart was prepared properly and had a decent taste, I'd eat it.
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Old 11-03-2008, 17:19   #3
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I've had it before - I wouldn't choose it but I'd eat it.

I quite like liver and kidneys too. I think I've had braised lamb or sheep's brains before. I would probably try a testicle but I don't know if I'd enjoy it. I'm a firm believe it at least giving it a go.

I enjoy liver and kidneys, I would try things but unless I enjoyed them I wouldn't say I'd eat them.
No No!
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Old 11-03-2008, 17:32   #4
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Originally Posted by iCraig View Post
I think it's engrained into us that the heart is *the* most important and significant organ in our bodies, and the core of our being, hence its name. We used to believe our emotions and soul came from our heart, which is obviously still around today. "I love you with all my heart" "He broke my heart" etc. So yeah, I suppose some people feel uncomfortable biting into it.
People don't seriously think like that do they?
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Old 11-03-2008, 17:38   #5
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No. Offal is gross

But tbh anything could be in sausages/meatballs/ready meals these days....

You should go to St Johns - its an offal restaurant - my MD likes trying new things and wanted me to book it for a Supplier meeting but I was like no way gross!!111

BB x
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Old 11-03-2008, 17:43   #6
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Originally Posted by Jonny69 View Post
People don't seriously think like that do they?
We used to at least, we believed the heart controlled everything, life, spirit, love, anger etc, also the home of the soul. Not sure if people still believe exactly that, but I still think people think the heart is an organ that should be — not sure what the best word is — respected and is off-limits for consumption.
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Old 11-03-2008, 17:44   #7
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I've eaten it yet but would not choose to eat it again.
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Old 11-03-2008, 17:52   #8
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I prefer a pigs heart to lambs heart, Lambs are to small & not as juicy as pigs. I like a few pigs trotters as well during the summer all boiled up with fresh uncut bread & butter.
Liver & Kidneys are obviously fine by me & I'll go as far as hanging a Pheasant until maggots drop out of it before shaking it gutting it & eating it.
What i won't eat is Slimy stuff like Escargot/Oysters & Muscles, Nasty stuff that.

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Old 11-03-2008, 17:54   #9
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Here's a quote for you: 'I love faggots!'.

It never occurred to me that there might be heart in faggots but it doesn't bother me at all. Love a bit of steak and kidney, and my mum's sausage, liver and bacon casserole is awesome. Don't really see heart as being that different.
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Old 11-03-2008, 17:59   #10
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Heart is a fantastic dish and I always enjoy it when I can get it.

Liver (with bacon, of course!) is also fantabulous.

I like a steak and kidney pie but am less keen on grilled kidneys.

Black pudding is another good one. Mmmmmmm... Blood.... *drools*

Not had tripe, brain or testicles but wouldn't be averse to trying them.

Khef, Ka and Ka-Tet....
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